Tuesday, February 4, 2014

December 13, 2013

Dear Family,

Mom, so the girl that said we should room together after our mission is Sister Bagley. I love her! She is the girl that Phil Fuchs introduced me to. She is so sweet. She is from American Fork. We love talking whenever we can. She is going to Seoul South though. So technically we aren't even in the same mission. But the missions are super close so we should be seeing each other at mission conferences and stuff. The sister that I run with is so sweet! I love her. She is from Salt Lake. We are really similar and it is so nice to have someone to run with! We love showing each other pictures of our families and stuff. Because sometimes we feel like we are lone wolves out here. haha So it's fun to see the other sisters' families. There is another sister but I can't remember how to say her name. She is the sweetest girl in the world. I cried to her one night because I was so overwhelmed and she was a doll. She cried with me. All three of those girls are a trio. Love them. Sister Holmes is the best. She leaves for Korea on sunday and I am SO sad to see her go! The good news is she is in my mission so we will definitely see each other. My companion and I are complete opposites. She is sweet though. I think I will be in a trio on wednesday because Sister Gowens in my district is being reassigned to a US English speaking mission. So I will likely be in a trio. I think that will help out a little with our companionship. Hopefully I wont feel like I am babysitting as much.I am trying so hard to love her and see the good in her. I try not to get frustrated. She is constantly drawing and drawing pictures of japanese anime. (or however you spell that). I am sad to see sister Gowens leave though. She is so sweet. She is my go to whenever I am in tears and freaking out about everything because she completely understands how I am feeling. The other sister is sweet as well. Just very quiet and never shows emotion. She is good though. I am definitely learning to be patient right now. :)

The pretend investigators are good. But it is terrifying teaching the lessons to them. They sit there and answer us in Korean and we can only get a few words out of what they are saying. It freaks me out. But it is good practice. The Korean is SO HARD. haha seriously I want to cry everyday just thinking that I have to learn this just to be able to communicate with people. It is hard because I want so bad to be able to share what I know with our investigators but I can't because I dont' know how to say it. It will come though. I keep reminding myself that the Spirit is the teacher and that I don't have to be able to speak it perfectly. I get overwhelmed with the Korean though. I feel like it takes me a long time to catch on.  Their grammer is bizarre and so it is confusing to me. But I am slowly understanding it a little more. I know random words like Book of Mormon, prayer, companion, Hello, Thank you...etc. I can say I read the book of mormon in korean and a few little things like that. We have to pray in korean and it is honestly terrifying. Most of us just try and read. The reading is good. I can slowly read. but the problem is that I don't understand 95 percent of what I am reading. haha

I have learned a lot. I wish I was learning more about the gospel instead of so much Korean. But this time is not about me. It's about the people in Korea. That always helps me feel better. I have already come so much closer to the Savior in the last week though. I know that I cannot do this without Him by my side every moment. I am thankful that every time I fall apart and feel like I can't do this I can go to Him in prayer. This is honestly the hardest thing I have ever done, but I just keep thinking about the people in Korea. The letters and everything help. I think time will help too.. Hopefully getting used to the routine will help me. Thanks for all of your support! Every single letter I get makes my whole day. It honestly keeps me going. I love you!!!  Yes, Mom, I saw Kim Vandemerwe's email. Honestly anything helps me feel better. I love her. Thank you so much for all the encouraging thoughts. I can't tell you how much it helps :)

Tell everyone thank you for the packages and letters (like Rozy for the package) getting mail like even one dear elder or just one piece of mail is like Christmas. not even kidding. so thank you! I am doing pretty good. Right now I am. Yesterday I completely melted down. I was so sad because I was hoping that because of the fasting and prayers that I would feel a little better but I started freaking out. I went and saw one of the members of the district presidency and talked to him to see if he could give me a blessing. He helped me feel a ton better. He was so sweet. He said all kinds of things that helped me calm myself. He said he was a mission president and would have loved to have me as one of his missionaries. That really stuck out to me because I have been feeling like I am one of the weaker missionaries because I am struggling so much. So a lot of the things he said just helped me feel so much better. he was so sweet and helped me a lot. I am just trying to take it a day at a time. Thank you for all of the encouragement. Thanks for the email you sent just barely dad. Those things are what help me and make me feel like I can do this.

I LOVE YOU!  thanks for everything you guys have said to help me feel better!!!! forever for always. Helaman 15 today. Don't forget to do a chapter each day. even on the weekend. love you!!

Sister Tara Anderson

This is Sister Anderson on December 4, 2013 When we were dropping her off.

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