Tuesday, February 4, 2014

December 20, 2013

Hey Everyone!

Thank you so much for the emails. I love hearing about what is going on. And I love the pictures!! I seriously stared at them forever. I love seeing everyone! I love you guys and miss you so much!

Ok so let me tell you a little more about everything here. I will tell you about a typical day and then go into detail about some other stuff. We wake up at 6:30 and have to be in our classroom for studying at 7:00. We usually study for 45 minutes, then go to breakfast, then come back and study for 2 more hours. We have TALL which is language learning on the computer. Then gym and lunch. After lunch we have 3 hours of class. This is typically when we learn the most language stuff. We have a 45 minute break for dinner and then 3 more hours of class. Then we are done at 9:30 and to our rooms and to bed around 10:30.

 Class is good. We have been learning all of the Korean grammer forms so we learn them and then try to practice them. Our teachers mostly speak in Korean to us, especially when we are learning Korean. When I first got here, it drove me crazy that they wouldn't speak any English to us. We would ask questions and they would respond in Korean. So frustrating! haha But now we are used to it and we can understand a little bit. Just picking out a few words here and there, and starting to pick up on the grammer forms. I am trying to memorize as much vocabulary as I can and then trying to learn the grammer forms as we go. The grammer forms are so confusing! It is like doing a math equation. Seriously. I have to do it on paper half the time before I can even say it out loud. Haha it is starting to make more sense though. 

You asked about our lessons with the investigators. They are getting a little bit better. They were really frustrating at first, but now we can say a little bit more. It helps that we can read Korean now so we can say more of the things we want to say. We teach almost everyday. We have 2 investigators. Tonight we do TRC- where we teach people from the community. (Like the Korean girl that is staying with the Christensens) and just give them a little lesson.  My teachers are good! Davin Christensen is going to be teaching my class for a few days since my teacher will be gone for the break. He is a great teacher. He has already taught us some important lessons about yeilding to our companions while teaching so we don't offend the spirit. It will be fun to have him as a teacher for a few days!  Devotionals- They are so great! I love them. We had Elder Rasband come on tuesday. He talked about focusing on spiritual gifts instead of physical gifts this season. It was really good. He told us that if we share our spiritual gifts this season that we would not miss the physical gifts.

We had Elder Quentin L. Cook come and talk to us last tuesday. It was SO good! As you know, last week was pretty rough. And I was having a really bad day on the day of devotional. I was having a hard time wondering why I was called to Korea and why I have to learn Korean and wondering why I can't just share my testimony in English. I was so frustrated with Korean and just having a hard time. I prayed to Heavenly Father to help me feel better and understand why I was called there. I went into devotional and sat on the 3rd or 4th row right in front of Elder Cook. I was slightly teary as the meeting began and I am sure he saw me crying. I was right in front of him. He got up and talked all about how inspired our calls are and about the process of making assignments. He explained that sometimes they feel that we need to serve with a particular president, or a particular people, and other times they just feel very strongly about a certain assignment and they don't know why. He told us that we are going exactly where we should go. Then he went on and gave his talk about how we can be successful missionaries. I know that what Elder Cook said was an answer to my prayer. I know it for sure.

The BYU mens chorus was the devotional for sunday night. It was really good. They just sang for us. They are awesome. One of the songs they sang was Come, Lord Jesus from Savior of the World. The spirit was so strong. It brought back so many incredible memories from Savior of the World. I loved it.
The MTC really is great. I love it when all of the missionaries sing. We sing prelude for about 20 minutes before devotionals start. The MTC presidency says it sounds like there are angels singing with us whenever they walk in. The spirit is always here. You can feel it. It is especially strong at certain times, but it is always here- kind of like a church. 

I love you all so much! Thank you so much for the letters, packages and dear elders! They mean so much to me. Seriously! Keep updating me on everything. Even just the same old stuff. I love it.
Merry Christmas!!! I get to email you on christmas for an hour so I am excited! :) Will you guys do something for someone in need on Christmas? Even if it is something small? Some way to serve someone else :) Also, watch "Families can be together forever" Mormon Message. It is very simple but I watched it and got teary thinking about how much I love you and how I am so thankful that we are sealed forever. I love you so much! CTR always! xoxoxoxo
Love, Sister Tara Anderson
Sister Anderson on Christmas.... I think. :)
Sister Anderson and some friends in her district on Christmas Eve in their new Christmas pajamas. 

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