Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January 23, 2014

Ok this is going to be super fast because I don't have a ton of time. But here are a few highlights of the week! This week has been good! I am freaking out that I am leaving for Korea in a week and a half!! AHH! We get our flight plans tomorrow!!! I'm dying.
Friday night we did our lesson with a Korean over Skype. It was awesome! I loved it! We talked about the Book of Mormon. He is a member so it is a practice type lesson. We couldn't understand a ton of what he was saying, but we felt the Spirit and we were so happy!!

Sunday night Devo was Sheri Dew. She was awesome!!! She talked about the powers of Heaven and the power of heaven that we can receive as missionaries. It was really good
We watched the Testaments on sunday night and i forgot how good it is! You should watch it for family night. Ahh. I just love it.

On tuesday we got 12 Native Korean missionaries. They are only here for a week and a half and fly back to Korea with us!! There are 6 native Koreans that are going to my mission! They are the sweetest girls. We love practicing our Korean with them. They probably think we are so dumb but they are always so sweet! I am so excited to meet the people there!!

Tuesday night Devo was Gerald Causse, from the Presiding Bishopbrick. His talk was about how important it is to know Jesus Christ. We cannot be representatives and testify of Christ unless we know Him. We also need to LOVE everyone! Anywhere you go in the world, there is always someone to love.

We got our Korean name tags this week! I am so excited!!!!

Yesterday, I hosted some of the new missionaries. We are required to do it our last two weeks here. I loved it! Not gonna lie, I'm probably the worst host ever because i was trying not to bawl watching everyone crying and saying goodbye to their families! It is hard to see it again! But i tried to be as cheery and happy as possible and make them feel better. I actually hosted Aubrianne Boseman. She was super cute. She went to Davis and I kind of knew her. She is a few years younger. Said she is friends with rach. We took a pic and she is going to send it to me.

Ok really quick. One way funny story. We were teachign our progressing investigator and he read a scripture out of the Book of Mormon. After he finished, I asked him what he thought of the scripture. ( I said it in Korean though) and he looked at me weird and asked me to say it again, so i did. In full confidence. "What do you think about that scripture?" and then he corrected me and answered my question. Afterwards, he told me that I asked him "What do you think about the soy sauce" two times. hahahah. apparently scripture and soy sauce are two similar words. haha classic. can't wait to see what bizarre things i will say in Korea.

Sister Driscoll and I have been running the perimeter of the mtc lately. We love it! I think it's about a half mile. It's so nice to get some fresh air and kind of feel like we are out on a run. it's fun.

Ok i have to run. We went to the temple this morning and it was so peaceful. It always is. I love it. We went to the cafeteria after and got some food. It was nice to have something other than MTC food for a change :) One more temple day and then we will be at the temple in Seoul!! SO excited.

Ok I have to run. I love you so much! Have a wonderful week!!! 
Love, Sister Tara Anderson

Tara's korean name tag!
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson sent two dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts!

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