Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January 16, 2014

Hey everyone!

How are you? Thanks for all of the emails this morning. I love printing them off and reading about what everyone is up to. I love you so much. Thanks for the cute emails.

Well. This week has been filled with ups and downs. Sister Holmes summed it up perfectly when you shared what she said in her blog. Major high's- where I am way excited to get to Korea and teach and this is the best thing in the world, and then major lows when I am extremely homesick. But all in all, I am doing pretty good. 

On friday night we taught TRC. We taught Sister Song again. We asked her if she had been praying and doing the things she committed she would do. She said no. We were so sad! We had the best lesson with her two weeks before and she seemed so sincere and then this week she seemed like she didn't care. So we were pretty bummed. Hopefully we will see her again tomorrow or the following week. Tomorrow we Skype a member in Korea and teach them a lesson. I am freaking out! I think it might be a rude awakening for how much Korean I don't know. haha. I am excited though.

On Sunday, we had church and it was good. President Lindahl spoke in our branch Sacrament Meeting. It was awesome. We had our usual Sunday walk to the temple, but this time there were some protesters right outside the temple grounds. They were holding up massive crosses and yelling way mean things at each of the missionaries. It was slightly alarming. Hard not to feel bad about what they say about you even if you know that it's not true. I think the missionaries all felt a little shaken after that. There have been a bunch of protesters that come and stand right outside of the MTC and yell things. It's actually sad.

Sunday night devotional as it always is. Richard I. Heaton spoke to us. His talk was so cool. He talked about how the Lord is preparing people for the gospel. He had a few converts come up and share their story. He pointed out little things throughout their stories that showed that the Lord is preparing them. It's not the missionaries that do it. It's the Lord who has prepared them and it may or may not be the right time for them.

Tuesday night devotional was great. Elder Bednar came again. He answered some more of the questions that were asked on Christmas. He bore a powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was so neat. Sister Bednar spoke as well. She is so cute. My companions and I got to sit on the 4th row with the newly called MTC presidents for MTCs throughout the world, as well as Visitor Center directors that were just called. We talked to a lot of them and it was really cool to see where they are all headed.

So the other day, we learned a super confusing grammar concept in Korean. I was SO confused. My companions and I were stressing out way bad because we didn't understand it. We got super overwhelmed and frustrated. After class was over, we had companionship study so we went into another room and decided to study a Christlike attribute. We studied patience. We read about the Sons of Mosiah in Alma 26. Ok can we talk about how great Alma 26 is? Anyways, I loved reading about them. They were solid! Such good examples of missionaries. They went through so many major things, but were so humble and so devoted to bringing the people to Christ. I love them!! Reading that gave me courage to do this! We also read Mosiah 23:21. I love this scripture because it talks about how the Lord has tough love to strengthen us and to make us better. He tests our patience to make us stronger. We also read Mosiah 24:13-15. Love them.

So the other day, I came to the realization that I am starting to treat my scriptures like my cellphone. Haha I take them everywhere with me! Seriously. Even if i know I won't be reading them. It's like my security now. I feel like it's an extra connection to Heavenly Father. I love it. I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon. I have the strongest testimony of it. I know that the stories in the Book of Mormon really did happen. I know Joseph Smith translated it through the power of God. I just love it!!! 

This morning we had the chance to go to the temple. It was awesome, We were sad to leave. It feels like home when I am there. I love it. I can't wait to go to the temple in Seoul!! 

Well I need to run. I love you all so much. Thanks for everything. Baba and Grandma, thank you for the packages!! I have a letter I am sending you today. Hopefully you will get it tomorrow or saturday. I love you!

Mom and Dad- I don't know what I would do without the best parents in the world. Thanks for the letters and packages. I LOVE YOU!!!!!  
Rach, Dman, Ellie, Jane, Add and Isaac, I LOVE YOU TOO!! Thanks for the letters! I am sending you your own letters today so i will write more to you in them. Thanks for your dear elders!!! You are the best. Love you and miss you tons!!!

Love, Sister Tara Anderson

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